Ratul Hora #6
- Getting Station IDs with their online links first.
- Tried to access the API by wundergrounf and by NETATMO, but both provide current info and not historic data. Copy paste might be the only option here.
- Overall the first step is to get “Hyper Local” Temperature data.
- Then create 東京23区温度分布図of the following types:
- Max Temp average
- Temperature gradient on the hottest day of the year
https://dev.netatmo.com/resources/technical/introduction Link to netatmo api— doesnt work
wunderground map – link to past data, will collect this
1. After gather average max temp b/w 6月 and 9月 of last year, pick the hottest and coolest areas from the list and work inwards
Why max temp represents the hottest hour, ergo the the ttime of the day when the max amount of heat energy is stored within the buildings, hence radiating max energy hence having max temp.
2. Check for the hottest day in the past year in tokyo and set that as the simulation setting
3. Create 560m (approx 1km2) radius models of each of those areas, working inwards simulate.
4. NEEDs to be circular
5. Analysis will depend on comparing
CEP – HIP – PHF – DID/Volume
6. try and prove that even when wind is taken intoaccount you need to build high density tall areas in order to reduce HIP and PHF. The only reason that high dense environments have been shown to not be good for heat island are because (菅沼)the heat has a hard time escaping.
Why circular? how does it help to have a cicular model instead of square??